generally prefer references in range-based for loops
Walt Karas
2018-10-26 22:21:42 UTC
This line of code:

should be:
for (const auto &item : Y_sni.items) {

This causes item to be of type const Item & instead of Item. Thus
avoiding making a copy of each element in the vector. Look at this
example code:


Note in the assembler code how foo() calls the copy constructor for
Item in the for loop, and foo2() does not.
Walt Karas
2018-10-29 16:56:58 UTC

We also have cases of the opposite problem, using a reference for a
container of pointers / iterators / string_views or other small
objects. But this is less serious and probably just an aesthetic
issue (gets optimized out).
Good catch. In Modern Effective C++ Scott Myers talks about a few scenarios when auto doesn't do what the programmer intended.
Earlier I was inclined to suggest that we should avoid auto in ATS but I think it's better to make mistakes and learn.
Post by Walt Karas
for (const auto &item : Y_sni.items) {
This causes item to be of type const Item & instead of Item. Thus
avoiding making a copy of each element in the vector. Look at this
Note in the assembler code how foo() calls the copy constructor for
Item in the for loop, and foo2() does not.
Alan Carroll
2018-10-29 18:47:55 UTC
I tend to use `for ( auto && x : container)`. That seems to work well and
gives the compiler more flexibility. I recommend it unless there's a
specific reason to not do so. Testing with a std::vector<int> and a
function that takes (int) it does the correct thing - it passes the int
values directly to the function.
Post by Walt Karas
We also have cases of the opposite problem, using a reference for a
container of pointers / iterators / string_views or other small
objects. But this is less serious and probably just an aesthetic
issue (gets optimized out).
Good catch. In Modern Effective C++ Scott Myers talks about a few
scenarios when auto doesn't do what the programmer intended.
Earlier I was inclined to suggest that we should avoid auto in ATS but I
think it's better to make mistakes and learn.
Post by Walt Karas
for (const auto &item : Y_sni.items) {
This causes item to be of type const Item & instead of Item. Thus
avoiding making a copy of each element in the vector. Look at this
Note in the assembler code how foo() calls the copy constructor for
Item in the for loop, and foo2() does not.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Walt Karas
2018-10-29 21:36:29 UTC
I'm not convinced: https://godbolt.org/z/M8pZl0

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 1:48 PM Alan Carroll
Post by Alan Carroll
I tend to use `for ( auto && x : container)`. That seems to work well and
gives the compiler more flexibility. I recommend it unless there's a
specific reason to not do so. Testing with a std::vector<int> and a
function that takes (int) it does the correct thing - it passes the int
values directly to the function.
Post by Walt Karas
We also have cases of the opposite problem, using a reference for a
container of pointers / iterators / string_views or other small
objects. But this is less serious and probably just an aesthetic
issue (gets optimized out).
Good catch. In Modern Effective C++ Scott Myers talks about a few
scenarios when auto doesn't do what the programmer intended.
Earlier I was inclined to suggest that we should avoid auto in ATS but I
think it's better to make mistakes and learn.
Post by Walt Karas
for (const auto &item : Y_sni.items) {
This causes item to be of type const Item & instead of Item. Thus
avoiding making a copy of each element in the vector. Look at this
Note in the assembler code how foo() calls the copy constructor for
Item in the for loop, and foo2() does not.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Pushkar Pradhan
2018-10-29 19:32:51 UTC
It seems like auto isn't that "auto". You still need to be familiar with
all the gotchas.

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:48 AM Alan Carroll
Post by Alan Carroll
I tend to use `for ( auto && x : container)`. That seems to work well and
gives the compiler more flexibility. I recommend it unless there's a
specific reason to not do so. Testing with a std::vector<int> and a
function that takes (int) it does the correct thing - it passes the int
values directly to the function.
Post by Walt Karas
We also have cases of the opposite problem, using a reference for a
container of pointers / iterators / string_views or other small
objects. But this is less serious and probably just an aesthetic
issue (gets optimized out).
Good catch. In Modern Effective C++ Scott Myers talks about a few
scenarios when auto doesn't do what the programmer intended.
Earlier I was inclined to suggest that we should avoid auto in ATS but
Post by Walt Karas
think it's better to make mistakes and learn.
Post by Walt Karas
Post by Walt Karas
for (const auto &item : Y_sni.items) {
This causes item to be of type const Item & instead of Item. Thus
avoiding making a copy of each element in the vector. Look at this
Note in the assembler code how foo() calls the copy constructor for
Item in the for loop, and foo2() does not.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Walt Karas
2018-10-30 00:03:51 UTC
Yes and no. I think Alan is correct in the sense that if you use for
(auto &&r : , and it compiles OK, the object code is going to be
correct and optimal. I just have my aesthetic opinion that it can
make the code slightly harder to maintain.
On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 6:47 PM Pushkar Pradhan
Post by Pushkar Pradhan
It seems like auto isn't that "auto". You still need to be familiar with
all the gotchas.
On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:48 AM Alan Carroll
Post by Alan Carroll
I tend to use `for ( auto && x : container)`. That seems to work well and
gives the compiler more flexibility. I recommend it unless there's a
specific reason to not do so. Testing with a std::vector<int> and a
function that takes (int) it does the correct thing - it passes the int
values directly to the function.
Post by Walt Karas
We also have cases of the opposite problem, using a reference for a
container of pointers / iterators / string_views or other small
objects. But this is less serious and probably just an aesthetic
issue (gets optimized out).
Good catch. In Modern Effective C++ Scott Myers talks about a few
scenarios when auto doesn't do what the programmer intended.
Earlier I was inclined to suggest that we should avoid auto in ATS but
Post by Walt Karas
think it's better to make mistakes and learn.
Post by Walt Karas
Post by Walt Karas
for (const auto &item : Y_sni.items) {
This causes item to be of type const Item & instead of Item. Thus
avoiding making a copy of each element in the vector. Look at this
Note in the assembler code how foo() calls the copy constructor for
Item in the for loop, and foo2() does not.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28