Summit Hack Day - Monday Oct. 1
Alan Carroll
2018-09-06 15:07:34 UTC
I will be in town the Monday before the summit. I would like to have an
informal (even compared to the summit :-)) hacking session where I can

* have a more in depth "C++ Clinic" to talk about C++ eleventy and beyond
language features that are useful for TS, with a focus on how to use them
in TS.
* Talk about YAML and our implementations of parsing YAML. Several of us
have been working in this area and we should have an in depth discussion on
consolidating our approaches.

Let me know if there's any interest in any one but me attending.

P.S. For C++, the major topics I want to hit are

* Variadic templates - this is the replacement for C varargs, we need to
switch over.
* Hash tables and what to use inside TS for different use cases.
* std::string_view and how to use it well.
* TextView and how to do faster and more robust parsing.

I may update this later, or if any one has specific things they'd like me
to talk about, let me know.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
John Rushford
2018-09-06 15:57:09 UTC
I've made travel arrangements already and my plane doesn't arrive until
1pm. I'll try to get to this as soon as possible.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:07 AM Alan Carroll
Post by Alan Carroll
I will be in town the Monday before the summit. I would like to have an
informal (even compared to the summit :-)) hacking session where I can
* have a more in depth "C++ Clinic" to talk about C++ eleventy and beyond
language features that are useful for TS, with a focus on how to use them
in TS.
* Talk about YAML and our implementations of parsing YAML. Several of us
have been working in this area and we should have an in depth discussion on
consolidating our approaches.
Let me know if there's any interest in any one but me attending.
P.S. For C++, the major topics I want to hit are
* Variadic templates - this is the replacement for C varargs, we need to
switch over.
* Hash tables and what to use inside TS for different use cases.
* std::string_view and how to use it well.
* TextView and how to do faster and more robust parsing.
I may update this later, or if any one has specific things they'd like me
to talk about, let me know.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Pushkar Pradhan
2018-09-06 20:24:50 UTC
Yes I am interested in attending.
Post by John Rushford
I've made travel arrangements already and my plane doesn't arrive until
1pm. I'll try to get to this as soon as possible.
On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:07 AM Alan Carroll
Post by Alan Carroll
I will be in town the Monday before the summit. I would like to have an
informal (even compared to the summit :-)) hacking session where I can
* have a more in depth "C++ Clinic" to talk about C++ eleventy and beyond
language features that are useful for TS, with a focus on how to use them
in TS.
* Talk about YAML and our implementations of parsing YAML. Several of us
have been working in this area and we should have an in depth discussion
Post by Alan Carroll
consolidating our approaches.
Let me know if there's any interest in any one but me attending.
P.S. For C++, the major topics I want to hit are
* Variadic templates - this is the replacement for C varargs, we need to
switch over.
* Hash tables and what to use inside TS for different use cases.
* std::string_view and how to use it well.
* TextView and how to do faster and more robust parsing.
I may update this later, or if any one has specific things they'd like me
to talk about, let me know.
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to
Post by Alan Carroll
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Leif Hedstrom
2018-09-14 18:58:58 UTC
Post by Alan Carroll
I will be in town the Monday before the summit. I would like to have an
informal (even compared to the summit :-)) hacking session where I can
* have a more in depth "C++ Clinic" to talk about C++ eleventy and beyond
language features that are useful for TS, with a focus on how to use them
in TS.
* Talk about YAML and our implementations of parsing YAML. Several of us
have been working in this area and we should have an in depth discussion on
consolidating our approaches.
+1, this is a good idea.

— leif
Alan Carroll
2018-09-14 19:00:32 UTC
I have a room at Oath for Monday and Thursday. We'll see about Thursday,
but I'll be there all day Monday. Ping me for access.
Post by Leif Hedstrom
Post by Alan Carroll
I will be in town the Monday before the summit. I would like to have an
informal (even compared to the summit :-)) hacking session where I can
* have a more in depth "C++ Clinic" to talk about C++ eleventy and beyond
language features that are useful for TS, with a focus on how to use them
in TS.
* Talk about YAML and our implementations of parsing YAML. Several of us
have been working in this area and we should have an in depth discussion
Post by Alan Carroll
consolidating our approaches.
+1, this is a good idea.
— leif
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Pushkar Pradhan
2018-09-14 20:02:58 UTC
Can you clarify if Monday (Oct 1) is hackday or C++ clinic?

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 12:07 PM Alan Carroll
Post by Alan Carroll
I have a room at Oath for Monday and Thursday. We'll see about Thursday,
but I'll be there all day Monday. Ping me for access.
Post by Leif Hedstrom
Post by Alan Carroll
I will be in town the Monday before the summit. I would like to have an
informal (even compared to the summit :-)) hacking session where I can
* have a more in depth "C++ Clinic" to talk about C++ eleventy and
Post by Leif Hedstrom
Post by Alan Carroll
language features that are useful for TS, with a focus on how to use
Post by Leif Hedstrom
Post by Alan Carroll
in TS.
* Talk about YAML and our implementations of parsing YAML. Several of
Post by Leif Hedstrom
Post by Alan Carroll
have been working in this area and we should have an in depth
Post by Leif Hedstrom
Post by Alan Carroll
consolidating our approaches.
+1, this is a good idea.
— leif
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28
Alan Carroll
2018-09-15 18:09:06 UTC
Both. No one is going to spend all day listening to me yammer about C++. if
anyone wants to come and just hack ATS, that's fine. Or hack ATS and ask
questions about specific internal libraries or C++, that's cool too. At
some time in the afternoon we'll have having a working group on YAML and
ATS with Randall Meyer, John Rushford, and me. Anyone else who wants to
participate is welcome. We'll be discussing things we've done to support
the change over to YAML configurations, and work on future plans / guide
lines. I am told Randall will be making a more formal presentation to the
group, this working group is for people slinging YAML code. Unfortunately
due to travel issues I can't give a specific time, but I'd guess starting
around 2-3 PM, when John gets here.
Post by Pushkar Pradhan
Can you clarify if Monday (Oct 1) is hackday or C++ clinic?
Alan Carroll
2018-09-26 16:26:50 UTC
I am told I have a room for this in Building G, second floor, class rooms 7
and 8. I will try to arrive early and be on IRC and Slack.

Post by Alan Carroll
Both. No one is going to spend all day listening to me yammer about C++.
if anyone wants to come and just hack ATS, that's fine. Or hack ATS and ask
questions about specific internal libraries or C++, that's cool too. At
some time in the afternoon we'll have having a working group on YAML and
ATS with Randall Meyer, John Rushford, and me. Anyone else who wants to
participate is welcome. We'll be discussing things we've done to support
the change over to YAML configurations, and work on future plans / guide
lines. I am told Randall will be making a more formal presentation to the
group, this working group is for people slinging YAML code. Unfortunately
due to travel issues I can't give a specific time, but I'd guess starting
around 2-3 PM, when John gets here.
Post by Pushkar Pradhan
Can you clarify if Monday (Oct 1) is hackday or C++ clinic?
*Beware the fisherman who's casting out his line in to a dried up riverbed.*
*Oh don't try to tell him 'cause he won't believe. Throw some bread to the
ducks instead.*
*It's easier that way. *- Genesis : Duke : VI 25-28